I completed my breakfast and went out, my brother was on the lawn placing spooky decorations, I didn't hesitate once to use my x-ray vision to get a glance at his dick it was flaccid, but as he saw me it started to get hard like a slave stands when the master comes, he turned around and quickly adjusted his pant and continued his work, he then not even once dared to make eye contact with me, horny me still watching that dick, my source of pleasures, wait a min should I make a boyfriend now, fuck no I can have sex with anyone I want, no commitments.
. I got in and went back to my room, locked the doors.
Okay so today is a holiday and I have the whole day to play with my powers, I morphed back into my green alien form, I like this form because in this form I can access all my powers without any restrictions. Enjoying myself once I turned invisible and phased through my wall into the neighbor's rooms, she is a Karen by nature and always complains about everything, today I'll take revenge on her, she was sitting on the couch enjoying tv, and I took control of her and commanded her to strip down, she started striping down, then I commanded him to take photos and videos of her and send it to her every contact. She mindlessly followed. That's will cause enough damage to her reputation, then I let her free of mind control, then as she saw herself she quickly started wearing her clothes back, she started thinking why was she naked, and her phone started buzzing, I knew a lot of people will have happy Halloween today. I was enjoying and silently giggling by watching her saying sorry to everyone on phone. I turned back and phased back to my room.
I fall down on the bed still laughing, that was fun. What now....mmmm what should I do, I can shapeshift into anything like anything, okay time to test, ok what should I become, ok things I fear like a lizard, my body tingled and I transformed into one, climbed on the wall, walked upside on the roof, yeah this is fun, what next, cockroaches, still titles ran through my body and like an evolution 🧬 I changed from a lizard to a cockroach, becoming a cockroach has a great benefit, I can hide in my room and no one will be ever able to find me, these small crack are like a mansion for a cockroach. And one thing I forgot to mention cockroaches have an excellent sense of smell, so even though my brother's cum sock is in another room lying in the deepest corner of the room, I can reach it with my eyes closed, mmmm tasty. Calm your hungry girl, you just had breakfast, I said to myself. Okky lizard and cockroaches did, now next time I won't fear these things, okay how about a cat, I forgot that I was upside down on the roof, as I transformed a started to fall, but thankfully cats always land on their feet, I landed gracefully, there is no fun being a cat. Suddenly I heard my dad calling me, so I turned back normal back into a pajamas with a secret quick access hatch in case.
I was about to go down but my phone rang The phone was Jeremy's, those who don't know he is my classmate. I answered the phone, and he invited me to a costume party tonight.
After the call ended, I went down and asked my dad why he is calling me? Well, he needed me to decorate the inside house, here I can use my mind-controlling powers to command him to do it all by myself but then I thought I have nothing to do till evening so started helping dad, and I should say it was a great decision, laughing, cracking jokes with dad passed the day like in minutes.
My mom shouted from behind, hey honey did you buy any costume for yourself? What is it? I gasped, I remembered about the invite to the party, yes I did buy one, I replied to mom. The sun already sat down, and we turned on the lights and decorations. I gave a final glance at my hard work and then ran into my room.
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