It was my 20th birthday, but for some reason, I wasn’t feeling very happy. I was a
college student at my local community college and I was studying English. I lived alone in my apartment. Not a very exciting major, but it was there. I worked hard,
went to work, and that was about it. I had very little money. Throughout my whole life event. I felt like I was just in a daze. My life was just passing me by. And now, it was my 20th birthday. I didn’t feel very special. Part of me just wanted to lay back down in my bed and go back to sleep.
From my father’s side of the family, they always said magical things would happen when a boy became a man. To them, I guess, it was when you turned 20. Today was that day. And let me tell you, I didn’t feel any magic through the air.
After turning off my snooze alarm a few times, I finally got the energy (if you can call it that) to get out of bed. It was nearing noontime and I figured I might as well get up, finish my homework, and play some games on my computer. Not much to
look forward to it.
I slumped my way over to the bathroom to go take my morning shower. It wasn’t
much, but a nice, warm shower always helped me to feel a little better every day.
However, when I took that shower that was when I realized my 20th birthday was
going to be rather interesting indeed.
I got undressed and looked at myself in the mirror. Same old me. I still look like I
always do. Just another day older. I stepped into the shower and let the nice hot water run down my body. I just wished, in some way, my life could be more exciting-
ing. Anything. I just didn’t know-how.
My mind drifted to my ex-girlfriend. Her name was Stacie. She was absolutely beautiful. She had long, blonde hair, a beautiful voice, and a tight body. She also had these amazing pair of tits. I always loved feeling their warmth and softness in my hands. Her hard nipples along with my fingers. Her skin was as smooth as silk and she had the perfect, little butt. I admit I was getting a little horny just thinking
about it.
I then put some shampoo in my hair. Some of the shampoo suds went down my face and kind of covered my eyes. If I’d open them, it’d certainly sting a lot. So I
kept them shut. I kept the shampoo for a little bit as I washed my body with my eyes closed. Hopefully, I wouldn’t fall in the shower or anything like that.
As I washed down my body, I felt a little bit tingly and warm. I figured it was just the nice, hot shower doing that to me. Plus, this soap I was using was this new,
herbal stuff so I’m sure it was extra powerful at cleaning.
I kept soaping myself down. It felt a little bit strange. I have some hair on my arms and chest, but as I was cleaning myself, it almost felt like I didn’t have any. I also
noticed that my arms and legs were smaller and thinner than they normally are.
My chest felt different. Normally, I’m quite the broad-shouldered kind of guy, but this time, my shoulders felt smaller than they usually were. Plus… I mean I work out often… but… did I have man boobs or something? It certainly felt that way.
They were soft and smooth. The water running down the sides of them actually felt kind of nice. My nipples were larger than normal. They were hard too. When I
brushed against them lightly, it felt almost… pleasurable. My… breasts, although it was strange to call them that, were perfectly round and warm. They had some weight on them. These can’t be man boobs, right?
Part of me wondered… there’s no way this is me. I must be dreaming. I’d better hurry my shower up. It was silly to think my body was changing or something.
That’s not even possible. It sounded funny. There’s no way such a thing can ever happen. Yet, a part of me was curious. My body felt less like my usually manly self
and this time it felt soft and smooth… it felt feminine.
Just to be safe, I ran my hand down to my crotch. My belly was thin and tight. It was perfectly smooth. I had a little bit of fat on me once before, but it felt like it wasn’t even there. My body had a slight curve to it now. My hips felt wider than normal. My butt was more plump and round. I then went for my dick. But what I found wasn’t my dick… it was a smooth, hairless slit!
“Oh, fuck!” I said out loud.
I quickly got the last of the shampoo out of my hair and jumped out of the shower.
The mirrors were all fogged up due to the steam. I wiped it off and what I saw in
my reflection was something I’ll never forget.
I had turned into Stacie. Face, body, and all. It was absolutely unbelievable. I put my finger up to my cheek and pinched myself. Yup, I wasn’t dreaming. I checked out my new body. It felt weird to admit it, but… I looked pretty damn hot. Just like
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