Suddenly Someone else landed on roof,it was Spiderman.
“Oh, hello She-Venom!” Spider-Man said.
“Hello Spidey, we have someone that wants to see you!” She-Venom said.
“Oh no, MJ!”
“Peter!” MJ said.
She-Venom then webbed MJ to a wall and launched towards Spider-Man. He couldn’t dodge because his spider sense doesn’t work on the symbiote. Spider-Man was then held down by She-Venom .
Falicia turned naked only left symbiote on hands and legs so to have enhanced strength, pocking her boobs she said did these didn't satisfied you?
Oh peter i loved you but you are not worth it, she venom said.
“Hey, Felicia listen to me once….our relationship didn't end well but still i like you.I love you, too but I do like you as a friend whom i can share my pain.
“You still love me?” Felicia asked.
Yes i like you by my heart and everything i just said is a my pure thought toward you.
But this symbiote you are wearing will manipulate your brain toward hating me.So either, you take off the symbiote, or you and I are going to fight and nothing will end well.” Peter said.
“But I love its powers. It gives me strength , sexual pleasure we never imagined.”she venom said
“It’s your choice, take it off, or fight me.” Spiderman replied
“Can we talk about this after I discussed this with symbiote?” Felicia said
“That’s fine. I will see you tomorrow! Same rooftop, at 11 midnight!” Peter said.
She willed symbiote to covered her up,she stood up jumped from the edge and started swinging back to home.
“I don’t know what to do, Felicia was saying this repeatedly in her head while swinging home.
You are becoming soft on him, symbiote interrupted her.
I m not becoming soft on him , problem is that i still love him and he likes me also so i can't kill my love. On the other hand you which gives me superpowers like Spiderman, pleasure like no one earth can provide. So its a difficult decision for me but
……we have to seperate.
She venom landed in her balcony and went inside.
Felicia then willed herself naked, she wanted to go take a shower.When she was done showering,she came out and stood in front of mirror. She was obsessed with the powers symbiote gave to her.
I really love you symbiote, you gave me the same powers as Peter have infact better than him. But you also made me wanted to kill him. I was angry at him for marrying mj but this doesn't mean i should kill him, falicia told to symbiote.
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